Do I really need Remote Management for my business?
Using Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) to Improve Your Business Remote Monitoring and Management (RMM) is a modern approach to IT maintenance, monitoring, and support. This IT solution is used to prevent disaster from hitting your IT systems. You have a team of...
Leaked NSA tools linked to global ransomware outbreak, authorities say
Large organizations on every continent report being hit by a campaign of ransomware attacks on Friday. Machines are being infected using exploits developed by the U.S. National Security Agency and leaked by the group known as ShadowBrokers, according to authorities....
5 burning questions about AMD’s next-gen Zen processors | PCWorld
AMD's Zen chip is just around the corner; it'll first come to gaming systems any day now. There's a lot of excitement about Zen, which AMD believes is its most important chip this decade.Source: 5 burning questions about AMD's next-gen Zen processors | PCWorld
10 weird and wild cutting-edge security threats | PCWorld
These ten threats, bugs, and vulnerabilities serve as reminders that computer security goes well beyond the PC. Source: 10 weird and wild cutting-edge security threats | PCWorld
Facebook is building its own gaming platform, hopes to take on Steam, iOS, and Android | ExtremeTech
Facebook has launched a new initiative to position itself as a game platform across multiple operating systems -- but does it have what it takes to challenge Steam or other titans of the industry? Source: Facebook is building its own gaming platform, hopes to take on...
Google preps a new travel app to launch in beta next week | PCWorld
Members of Google's Local Guides program will be the first to get their hands on a test version. Source: Google preps a new travel app to launch in beta next week | PCWorld
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